Sunday, February 17, 2008

evangelista - truth is dark like outer space

i never really got into the geraldine fibers but carla bozulich's new outlet, evangelista, makes me think i have some listening to do. truth is dark like outer space is one of these songs that seems way too short because there seems no reason why it should ever end. it sounds like sonic youth fronted by thalia zedek, which, if you think about it is about the best possible combination one can think of. if one can criticize sonic youth for anything it is that sonic youth was always a little bit too arty (not necessarily a bad thing though) and that they were always more out to impress than depress. thalia zedek, with come, on the other hand, could seriously fuck with your head.

above, truth is dark.... below, sonic youth's mote (which i think is one of the instances sonic youth sounds invested in their songs), plus a few come songs, and for good measure, the faint's cover of mote.

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