Wednesday, September 29, 2004


this is music made for those moments. like the moment you are walking home after a night of drinking and the sun is coming up (never experienced that? either you don't drink enough or you drink too much). or the moment you just feel like staring out the window for 20 minutes. or some other moment of your own choosing. but basically it is just super pretty and loud music - think godspeed or sigur rós and you'll be close. but I like them more - and not only because they are from japan. it took a little while to get a hooked on them however. it didn't happen until late one night at work with the winamp set on shuffle that a mono track comes on and, well, blows my brains out. jackie says is from their first album "under the pipal tree." They have a new one "Walking cloud and deep red sky, Flag fluttered and the sun shined" out which pretty much sticks to the formula..... but why change it if it works?

nice mono website

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